Awareness of Gender Issues: Glass Ceiling, Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence in the Hospitality Workplace

Xavier Bishop, Gina Fe Causin

Research output: Other contribution


The overall purpose of this research was to delve into whether the respondents are aware of Gender Issues in the workplace by focusing on three main topics: (1) Glass Ceiling and how it can hold back not just women, but other minorities as well; (2) Human Trafficking and the importance of detecting the signs in the workplace; and (3) Domestic Violence on women which does not just affect the person's private life but can also affect the person's work life and even the employer’s business. Twenty six percent of the respondents were aware of glass ceiling and detecting human trafficking. However, majority were aware that domestic violence happens to a lot of individuals which had negative effect on them.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
StatePublished - Feb 7 2020

Publication series

NameDiversity Conference

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