How Do Adolescents Perceive Coeducational and Same-sex Physical Education Classes?

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As university professors and physical education practitioners debate whether physical education classes should return to teaching males and females separately, perhaps we have forgotten to listen to a very important third party-the students. Treanor, Graber, Housner, and Wiegand (1998) recently investigated middle school students' perceptions of coeducational and same-sex physical education. The participants in the study were 466 physical education students (263 males 203 females) from the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades at a middle school in a moderate-size city in the southwest U.S. The four physical education teachers (2 males, females) each had at least eight years of experience.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
JournalFaculty Publications
StatePublished - Jan 1 2000

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