Repositories: Models & Images

Reynolds R Philip, Dillon Wackerman

Research output: Other contribution


Digital repositories most often collect traditional materials, such as theses, articles and images that do not require unique workflows or practices. While these types of items are common, repositories can also expect to encounter non-traditional materials that can challenge the knowledge and experience of the repository manager. Whether because of new file formats, visual effects or certain aspects of performance art, there are certain items that require unique expertise and innovative design. These can include items such as 3D models, embeddable media, student exhibits and other unique works. As librarians, we should actively solicit these materials in order to more accurately represent the full scope of the intellectual output of the university. In this session, we will present our experience with receiving non-traditional materials into our digital repositories.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
StatePublished - Jan 1 2014

Publication series

NameLibrarian and Staff Presentations

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