Perfil personal

Personal profile

Amanda Breitbach earned her bachelor's degrees in photography and French from Montana State University and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

A photographer whose research focuses on relationships between people and land and the intersection of art and science, Breitbach is proud of her project focused on conflicts between wildlife and oil development on the Texas Gulf Coast.

Breitbach grew up on a family farm and ranch in eastern Montana. She served as an agroforestry volunteer with the United States Peace Corps in West Africa for two years and has worked as a newspaper photographer/reporter and a freelance writer and photographer.

Her work has been exhibited at:

  • Duluth Art Institute
  • Lied Art Gallery at Creighton University
  • Rozsa Gallery at Michigan Technical University
  • Great Plains Art Museum and Eisentrager-Howard Gallery in Lincoln, Nebraska
  • New England School of Photography in Boston, Massachusetts 
  • BLUEorange Contemporary Art Gallery in Houston
  • Cole Art Center in Nacogdoches
  • Art Center of Waco in Waco
  • Center for Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins, Colorado
  • Midwest Center for Photography in Wichita, Kansas
  • The Arts at CIIS in San Francisco, California
  • Rourke Gallery in Moorhead, Minnesota
  • McCarthy Gallery at Valley City State University in Valley City, North Dakota
  • Waterworks Gallery in Miles City, Montana
  • and Emerson Cultural Center in Bozeman, Montana.

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