Perfil personal

Personal profile

Dr. David Alan Lewis earned his PhD at Indiana University. At SFA, he teaches courses in European and American art history and art theory, with a particular focus on 19th- and 20th-century painting, printmaking and photography.

Dr. Lewis served as art department chair and was the first director of SFA's SFA School of Art, overseeing the planning and much of the renovation of the Cole Art Center. He is the recipient of several competitive grants, including awards from the Edward and Betty Marcus Foundation, the Kirkland Endowment and the Heliker-LaHotan Foundation.

He was instrumental in establishing an international exchange program between SFA's School of Art and LABA Firenze, a fine arts academy in Firenze, Italy. Dr. Lewis has organized sessions for SFA's series of IMAGE & TEXT symposia, served as editor of the LaNana Creek Press and curated numerous exhibitions and presented lectures at museums and conferences in the United States, United Kingdom and Italy.

Among his publications are the monographs "Erle Loran: A Modern Artist of the American West" and "John Heliker: Drawing on the New Deal."

Dr. Lewis has published articles on British Vorticists Wyndham Lewis and Dorothy Shakespear Pound and American modernists Leonard Baskin, Rico Lebrun, Michael [Corinne] West, among others.

His writings on contemporary artists Frank Dituri, Piero Fenci, Mauro Manetti and Vladimir Martinov have been translated variously into Italian, Russian or Spanish. Dr. Lewis contributed articles to the catalog of "Extra Ordinary: Magic, Mystery and Imagination in American Realism", located in the Georgia Museum of Art at The University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia.

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