Perfil personal

Personal profile

Dr. Inga Meier earned her BA with a double major in English literature and theatre arts from Rutgers College and an MFA in dramaturgy with a graduate certificate in cultural studies from Stony Brook University. She received her PhD in theatre history and performance studies from the University of Pittsburgh, where she also completed a doctoral film studies certificate.

Meier's scholarship is focused on performances of terrorism, violence and trauma and has been presented at conferences throughout the United States and in England, including:

  • Association for Theatre in Higher Education
  • American Society for Theatre Research
  • Comparative Drama Conference
  • Film and History
  • Mid-America Theatre Conference
  • Midwest Modern Language Association
  • Southeastern Theatre Conference
  • and the Shaw Society.

Meier has served as secretary and debut panel coordinator for the Theatre and Social Change Focus Group at ATHE, and on the editorial board of the Journal of American Drama and Theatre, published by the American Theatre and Drama Society.

Her writing has been published in Film and History, the Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, Theatre Journal, Theatre Annual and in the anthology Recovering 9/11 in New York.

Her article, "'Heroes and their Consequences:' 9/11, The War on Terror, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe " was published in The Palgrave Handbook of Artistic and Cultural Responses to War – Volume 1: Australasia, the British Isles.

As a dramaturg, Meier worked on both professional and university productions in New Jersey, New York, Pittsburgh and Nacogdoches, and her translation and adaptation of "Woyzeck" has been produced in New York and New Jersey.

She also directed numerous plays, including:

  • Bert Royal's "Dog Sees God"
  • Steve Martin's "Picasso at the Lapin Agile"
  • William Gibson's "The Miracle Worker"
  • Jean Paul Sartre's "No Exit"
  • and her own translation of Georg Büchner's "Woyzeck."

She is currently working on an interdisciplinary monograph examining the memorialization and narrativization of 9/11 through performance.

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  • CV

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