Perfil personal

Personal profile

Jen Malmberg is a lecturer and the theatre education program advisor in SFA's School of Theatre and Dance. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in stage management and her Master of Arts in teaching from SFA . While earning her undergraduate degree, Malmberg interned with AmeriCorps at Project Transformation in their summer education program and in the stage management department of the Portland Stage Company in Portland, Maine.

After graduating, she began her educational career as a high school technical director. Throughout her time in K-12, Malmberg served in many capacities outside her role as a technical theatre teacher and tech director, including auditorium facilitator, new-teacher mentor and Teacher Excellence Initiative campus expert. Beyond these roles, she served on numerous committees, including the Campus Action Plan Committee, Staff Quality, Retention and Recruitment Committee, Envision Learning Instructional Strategies Committee, multiple fine arts hiring committees and as the Sunshine Committee chair (dedicated to faculty and staff morale). Her time in K-12 culminated with receiving the “Teacher of the Year” award for her campus in the 2017-18 academic year.

Malmberg returned to SFA in 2018 as a lecturer and the program director for theatre education in the School of Theatre and Dance. In her time here at SFA, she:

  • serves as the program advisor to theater certification students
  • hosts five to seven digital workshops, bringing in professional educators and administrators from across the state and country to teach and network with students
  • developed multiple new theater education courses
  • hosts a theatre education job fair
  • hosts UIL One-Act Play events
  • and coordinates internship opportunities with the Texas Educational Theatre Association Theatrefest Conference for her theater education students.

TxETA is the state-wide organization for theatre educators in which Malmberg has served in many capacities ranging from assistant to the programming chair, a member of the special events team and in a recruitment capacity for SFA's School of Theatre and Dance. Currently, she serves as the president-elect for the Higher Education Committee and member-at-large for the Higher Ed Research Conference, both dedicated to building network relations and community between higher education institutions throughout the state for future K-12 educators and current higher education professionals.

During the summers in Nacogdoches, Malmberg serves as the workshop director for SFA's School of Theatre and Dance High School Summer Theatre Workshop. This two-week workshop, intensive in acting and technical theatre, offers high school students the opportunity to live on SFA's campus while working with renowned guest educators as their directors from across the country, producing multiple productions ending in a multi-day performance.

Malmberg was awarded the “Faculty Senate Teaching Excellence Award” at SFA for the 2022-23 academic year.

Documentos relacionados

  • CV

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    Tipo: CV