Perfil personal

Research interests

Peter Andrew attended the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts at the Rhode Island School of Design. He earned his Master of Fine Arts at the University of Massachusetts.

Dedicated to helping motivated studetns set and reach their individual professional design goals, Andrew assists in directing SFA's School of Art graphic design program and serves as faculty co-advisor to SFA's American Institute of Graphic Arts and American Advertising Federation student chapters.

A prolific artist with an active exhibition and workshop schedule, his past works include art and creative direction in advertising and publishing, illustration and design software training for the print industry. Illustration and mural clients include: Methodist Hospitals in Houston and Fort Worth, United States Army hospitals in Fort Belvoir, Virgina, Fort Irwin, California and Fort Bliss and the Naranjo Museum of Natural History in Lufkin.

Andrew is an artist member of the New York Society of Illustrators, where he's hosted a solo exhibit in the Members Gallery and shows in the illustration annuals.

He is a color scholar and studied with Wolf Kahn and Sy Sillman, Josef Alber's assistant at Yale, among other notable colorists. He is a Fulbright Fellow and artist resident at:

  • Ossabaw Art Foundation in Georgia
  • Rock Gardens Art Schoo in Maine
  • MacDowell Art Colony in New Hampshire
  • Millay Art Colony in New York
  • and Barnstone Studio School in Pennsylvania.

He serves as an outreach artist and consultant for the artists' materials industry including brands Liquitex, Winsor & Newton, Lefranc Bourgeois, Reeves, Conté and d”Arches.

Documentos relacionados

  • CV

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