2014 Field Excavations at the Little Creek Community Nacogdoches County 41NA378

Morgan Ballard, Elizabeth Benitez, Jade Boyce, Leslie G. Cecil, Briana Cox, Cynthia Josie Duke, Mitchell Glover, Jennifer Luce, Monty McKnight, Samantha Valencia

Producción científica: Other contribution


In the summer of 2014 (June 2-July 3), SFA Archaeological Field School (ANT 440) was led by Dr. Leslie G. Cecil and had 13 students and three volunteers. The site selected was the Little Creek Community (41NA378) that was decimated by the floods of 1974. The site is approximately six acres in area of which only 51 meters2 were excavated. Brian Bray approved the selection of the site and gave approval for excavations. Today it is under the Nacogdoches Banita Creek Park and Dog Park in Nacogdoches, TX. The location of the community was based on the ethnographic map created by Abercrombie (2013) and Cecil conducted a ground penetrating radar survey before field school began. Due to the high frequency of potential artifacts everywhere, two locations were selected for clearing excavations: 1) the AME Church and 2) the Davis house. Excavations and artifacts found indicated the occupational date of the site (1900s-1970s), the edge of the Church, and the area at the Davis house where they burned trash. Artifacts are curated at the SFA Anthropology and Archaeology laboratory. Future research at the site would be recommended should the City of Nacogdoches build any other structures there.

Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
EstadoPublished - jul 1 2020

Series de publicaciones

NombreSFA Archaeology Field School Reports

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