Accounting Information Systems: A View from the Public Eye

Rachelle Paige Miller, Esther Bunn, Kelly Noe

Producción científica: Article


In order to fully appreciate the potential impact accounting information systems have on the accounting profession, an understanding of what accounting encompasses is necessary. Over the years, accounting has evolved from what many would call a “checks and balance” system to a much more complex system involving complicated activities such as calculating taxes and garnishments, auditing financial statements and processing payroll to name a few. It would be reasonable to think that advanced technology such as accounting information systems would only enhance the production of these activities. However, like with any “game changers,” there are always potential threats involved. The objective of this paper is to determine if accounting information systems have become so helpful, they in fact have begun to hinder business and decrease productivity. This paper demonstrates that although a majority population of those surveyed felt accounting information systems have added credibility to the accounting profession, there is still a large population that remain neutral on the subject leaving doubt as to the advantages and purpose of accounting information systems.

Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
PublicaciónFaculty Publications
EstadoPublished - ene 1 2016

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