An Exploratory Study Of Student Satisfaction With University Web Page Design

David E. Gundersen, Joe K. Ballenger, Robert M. Crocker, Elton Scifres, Robert Strader

Producción científica: Article


This exploratory study evaluates the satisfaction of students with a web-based information system at a medium-sized regional university. The analysis provides a process for simplifying data interpretation in captured student user feedback. Findings indicate that student classifications, as measured by demographic and other factors, determine satisfaction levels towards various web sources of information. Differences in satisfaction levels across student groups based on gender, age, minority status, employment, and current course load were found. Implications for university web designers and university administrators are considered and discussed.

Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
PublicaciónFaculty Publications
EstadoPublished - ene 1 2013

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