Arbor Groves 41HO02 Final Report

Jayden Franke, Reagan Harvey, Ezra Jennings, Gabriella Rivera, Leslie G. Cecil

Producción científica: Other contribution


Arbor Groves, located in the heart of the Piney Woods and west of multiple large bodies of fresh water, was most likely a sanctuary for woodland animals and early Americans. In fact, artifacts from the Clovis period (ca. 10,000 BP) to the modern era have been excavated from the site. Most of the artifacts excavated during the 2016 field season dated to the late Archaic period (8000-500 BC) to the early Woodlands period (beginning approximately 500 BC). The amount of lithic debris and projectile points found strongly suggest that Arbor Groves was a lithic manufacturing site. The manufacture of projectile points and other tools result in many lithic flakes discarded from the parent material (Morrow 1996). Because manufacturing and disposing of the waste are often in the same area, evidence for these sites also include the presence of broken projectiles, cores, and various pecked cobbles. Rarely does one find complete points or the hammerstone and tools used to produce the objects, as those are carried by the maker.

Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
EstadoPublished - jul 1 2020

Series de publicaciones

NombreSFA Archaeology Field School Reports

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