Field Excavation Report Season 1: 2018 Summer Field School Millard’s Farmstead 41NA416 Permit #8424

Cassandra Smith, Megan Zewe, Leslie G. Cecil

Producción científica: Other contribution


In the summer of 2018 (June 4-July6), SFA Archaeological Field School (ANT440) was lead by Dr. Leslie G. Cecil and Laura Short (adjunct professor at the time) and had 10 students and one volunteer. The site selected was the Millard’s Farmstead located behind the Nacogdoches ISD Agricultural Center on the Northwest Loop in Nacogdoches, TX. The site is approximately 1.62 acres in area of which only 28 m2 were excavated. Alton Frailey (the NISD superintendent at the time) approved the excavation of the site for multiple field seasons. The site currently sits on NISD property. A pedestrian survey in April 2018 located the farmstead’s fireplace and excavations were conducted around it to best determine the placement of the house. The house had been razed during the 1970s; however, the crib barn still stood. At the end of the field season, representatives moved the crib barn to Millard’s Crossing under George Avery’s supervisions. A total of 9026 artifacts were recovered and are curated at the SFA Anthropology and Archaeology Laboratory. Future research at the site will continue once COVID-19 is no longer an issue in order to capture other information about this time period in Nacogdoches history.

Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
EstadoPublished - jul 1 2020

Series de publicaciones

NombreSFA Archaeology Field School Reports

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