Management and pest management considerations on droughty soils: four year results

David Kulhavy, Kenneth G. Watterson, James Kroll, James R. Meeker

Producción científica: Paper


Four year survival of pines on droughty (Typic Quartzips~mments) soils was best for longleaf pine and Terr-Sorb -treated loblolly pine. Pest considerations include town ants and Nantucket pine tip moths on loblolly pine. Untreated loblolly pine had reduced leader and total height growth anH increased tip moth infestations, compared to Terra-Sorb and clay-slurry treated loblolly pine. Soil texture averaged less than eight percent silt and clay combined in the treatment areas.

Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
EstadoPublished - ene 1 1987

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