Recovery Methodologies and High Intensity Interval Training

Blake W. Johnson, Malcom T. Whitehead

Producción científica: Other contribution


The purpose of this study was to determine recovery from Tabata bodyweight high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise using different recovery assessment methodologies across 24- and 48-hour time intervals. Participants (23.2 ± 3.1 years old, 163.1 ± 19.9 lbs., and 22.8 ± 9.6 % body fat) consisted of 3 females and 7 males (n=10) Individuals who were recreationally trained (4+ days per week, 30+ minutes per day at moderate to vigorous intensity) and conducted both Trial A (24-hours between HIIT sessions) and Trial B (48-hours between HIIT sessions). Before and during each session, heart rate, countermovement jump, perceptual, and psychological measures were recorded. There were two statistically significant results. The first was the Perceived Recovery Status scale (PRS) for both trials (A, p = 0.005. B, p = 0.007) and the second was the Brunel Mood Scale assessment within Trial B (p = 0.012). These results support the assertion that assessment of perceptions of recovery are sensitive methodologies in measuring recovery from Tabata bodyweight HIIT exercise.

Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
EstadoPublished - nov 1 2021

Series de publicaciones

NombreElectronic Theses and Dissertations

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