Smith on Bacon-Smith, 'Enterprising Women: TelevisionFandom and the Creation of Popular Myth

Producción científica: Other contribution


In Enterprising Women scholar Camille Bacon-Smith describes the underground culture of "media fandom," that is, the network of fans who create fiction, poetry, art, and other creative works based on favorite television shows and then gather to circulate these works. Because I have been an active participant in this culture for twenty years, Bacon-Smith's book was of particular interest to me, not only as an academic, but as a fan.

Bacon-Smith has taken on a daunting task: reporting on a cultural phenomenon both as an engaged participant and as an unbiased observer. Her position is typical of the ethnologist who studies contemporary society, and this book is a useful example of the ethnologist's dilemma, as well as an informative text on the culture she studies.

Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
EstadoPublished - ene 31 1997

Series de publicaciones

NombreFaculty Publications

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