The Changing Roles of Natural Resource Professionals: Providing Tools to Students to Teach the Public About Fire

Pat Stephens Williams, Brian Oswald, Karen Stafford, Justice Jones, David Kulhavy

Producción científica: Paper


The Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (ATCOFA) at Stephen F. Austin State University is taking a proactive stance toward preparing forestry students to work closely with the public on fire planning in wildland-urban interface areas. ATCOFA's incorporation of the "Changing Roles" curriculum provides lessons on how natural resource managers' roles are (1) different than they used to be, and (2) ever-evolving. The undergraduate Forestry Field Station summer program at the University's Piney Woods Conservation Center now emphasizes the importance and challenges of working with the public. The program brings practicing professionals from the Texas Forest Service to describe the real-world challenges they face in communicating and working effectively with the public in their jobs.

Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
EstadoPublished - ene 1 2011

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