The Mapping of Composite Pollen from Point Sampled Data and Cartographic Generalization

Peter P. Siska, I-Kuai Hung, Vaughn M. Bryant Jr

Producción científica: Article


Pollen grains are microgametophytes produced by angiosperm and gymnosperm plants. They are responsible for transporting genetic material and carrying out fertilization. The study of pollen has numerous practical applications such as plant biodiversity, paleoclimatology, archaeology, allergy studies, the study of nectar sources in honey (melissopalynology), searching for sources of petroleum, and more recently, using pollen as a trace evidence component in forensics. Once pollen grains become airborne, their dispersal is controlled by a number of physical factors that determine the deposition distance from their source area. The purpose of this work is to study spatial pattern of composite pollen in Big Bend National Park using pollen information contained in the top soil layer, test the accuracy of four interpolation methods and use cartographic generalizations to present the results. The focus is on a composite pollen group that is a member of the Asteraceae plant family and is a prolific producer of airborne pollen (Figure 1).



Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
PublicaciónFaculty Publications
EstadoPublished - ene 1 2012

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