Toward a Signature Pedagogy for Public Administration

Producción científica: Articlerevisión exhaustiva


This article discusses the unique challenges faced by the field of Public Administration in developing a signature pedagogy, which is a specific method of teaching a particular body of knowledge and practice associated with a profession. It argues that the uncertainties and complexities inherent in the field, where decisions are made under conditions of high uncertainty, actually provide opportunities for devising an effective pedagogy. The proposed pedagogy aims to teach students how to thrive in chaotic situations, make quick decisions with limited and biased information, handle novel scenarios amid conflicting interests, collaborate with colleagues, and navigate complex situations. It emphasizes the need for immersive, uncertain, yet directive and retentive teaching methods. The paragraph also suggests drawing from research in behaviorism, cognitivism, and affectivism to manage this pedagogy effectively.
Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (desde-hasta)145-160
Número de páginas16
PublicaciónJournal of Public Affairs Education
EstadoPublished - jun 1 2009

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Education
  • Public Administration

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