What is to be done? Scholar-Activism in the Era of COVID-19

Flora Farago, Jennifer Richter, Beth Blue Swadener

Producción científica: Other contribution


What does scholar-activism look like during a global pandemic? What does scholar-activist teaching look and feel like? How are students and faculty living in and surviving a global pandemic that entails struggling with finances, balancing child care and work, and maintaining mental and physical well-being? Catastrophes and crises represent opportunities to open ourselves, explore different imaginaries, and learn – they unveil the worst and best of humanity, and also allow us to notice ways that intersectional and persistent inequalities and oppressions are brought to the fore and find ways to address them. As many have noted, the COVID-19 pandemic offers opportunities amidst uncertainties to come together virtually, to show up for and check in with each other, and to show kindness, compassion, and solidarity in the time of social distancing and quarantines. We draw on our experiences and conversations as scholar-activists to better understand teaching and research as activism during and beyond these times.

Idioma originalUndefined/Unknown
EstadoPublished - may 20 2020

Series de publicaciones

NombreFaculty Publications

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